Do you have a spare 10 minutes for FND research?

“Investigating Neurological Disturbances in Functional Neurological Disorder: Exploration of Event-Related Potentials and the Cognitive Impact of Disease upon Patients”

Stephanie R Blanco (a Neuropsycholgist at Nottingham Trent University) has FND and is performing research into FND as part of her master’s course. She would like to ask for your help in completing the following research project. Stephanie is currently looking for 200 people with FND, 200 people with other debilitating illnesses and 200 ‘healthy’ people to take part in this project. You do need to be over 18 years old to take part in the study. You are welcome to share the link with your own social circles too and she would really appreciate the help! Such a high number of participants will enable this study to get recognised in academic circles and it is hoped it’ll make an impact leading to more discussions around diagnosis and treatment of the condition. Please click on the link below to read more and to take part in the study.

You will need to provide a pseudonym (fictitious name) for the study. If you do not wish to use the suggested elements please makeup one – as long as you can remember it. All of your data will be secured confidentially and no-one can be identified from the data which they provide. This study has ethical approval from Nottingham Trent University and is designed with reference to BPS guidelines.

If you have any questions please contact Stephanie at

Thank you in advance!