On the 25th March, people across the UK, and this year joined by Australia, unite to spread much needed awareness of Functional Neurological Disorders.
Functional Neurological symptoms are commonly seen in Neurology clinics and can affect men, women and children of all ages. Functional Neurological Disorders (FND) can encompass a diverse range of symptoms including limb weakness and movement disorders, attacks of abnormal movement and/or altered awareness (currently known as Non Epileptic Attack Disorder [NEAD] which may be given as a diagnosis in it’s own right), sensory problems, cognitive problems and more.
The severity and variation of symptoms differ from person to person, but many suffer with debilitating physical disabilities. Lack of appropriate care and support inevitably also leads to emotional difficulties and affects the life of not only the person experiencing the symptoms, but also those close to them. In contrast others are able to recover from some symptoms, for instance with specialist physiotherapy to assist with learning to walk properly again, and others are able to find ways of managing their symptoms to allow them to lead a best life possible.
Prevalence is currently unknown but Neurologists see cases in their clinics every day and are the second most common reason for referrals after migraines. Unfortunately, outside of neurology clinics there is still little knowledge or awareness of FND, which means those diagnosed struggle to find the care and support they need.
We welcome you to join us and get involved with helping raise awareness of FND.
We know this is a difficult time at the moment for everyone because of the Coronavirus outbreak, so appreciate any involvement you may be able to give.