As part of the events celebrating FND Awareness Day in the UK on the 25th March 2017, FND Dimensions arranged several FND Support Meet-Ups. Three of them took place in Hertfordshire, Derby and Scarborough on 21st March. Three on the same day must be an FND record! The following comments were just a few of the thoughts and feelings shared during those ‘meet up’s’.
“I am pleasantly surprised how inspiring it is to meet others with FND. Our stories so different but yet so similar”
“The mysterious beginnings, and the experience of strange sensations like somehow I no longer knew my body”
“Finally a picture began to emerge from the random episodes though regular symptoms”
And finally a common thought shared was that of “being passed from pillar to post for diagnosis, believing an answer might be found with the medical professionals we see but who sometimes don’t always ‘see’ us”
In each other we find strength, a shared experience like no other and a realisation we are part of something that is clearly bigger than one individual, who felt they were alone. Regular ‘meet up’s’ are a stepping stone to greater understanding and a strengthening of our joint resolve to see things happen, to make things happen as individuals and through organisations working together.
We all bring an added dimension that can result in positive action!
FND Dimensions