Research participants needed to discuss their experiences of Physiotherapy for Functional Neurological Disorder

We need volunteers to discuss their experiences of Physiotherapy for Functional Neurological Disorder

This research is being conducted in order to:

  • Discover if individuals with FND find physiotherapy to be an effective treatment.
  • Gain further knowledge of how FND impacts daily life, and how physiotherapy can be used to help this.
  • Gain a better understanding of which physiotherapy interventions have been used to treat FND, and if they have been effective or not.
  • Have a better understanding of which physiotherapy treatments would be recommended for future practice.


You must be 18+ to participate in the study, have been diagnosed with FND, and have received physiotherapy for FND.


You will be asked to undertake a one on one interview with the researcher to discuss your experiences. All data provided will be confidential and anonymous.


Find out more by clicking on the link below:

Or contact Holly Richardson


Tel: 07766 332807