Online support groups
Given Functional Neurological Disorder is still little known, people are often given the diagnosis and left to search for answers as to what it is and how you can get better. This can lead to a person feeling extremely isolated.
Online support groups allow a person to connect with others in similar circumstances; Find out what FND is, share experiences, explore ways to get better, receive and give support, and make friends.
FND Action provide private support groups on Facebook for people diagnosed, their carers, and their family and friends. Links can be found below:
FND Action – Functional Neurological Disorder UK
This Facebook group is for people in the UK who have been diagnosed with a Functional Neurological Disorder (including NEAD), and their carers, family and friends.
FND Action – Carers Support Group UK – FND & NEAD
This Facebook group is for carers and family members in the UK who support and/or care for someone diagnosed with a Functional Neurological Disorder and/or Non Epileptic Attack Disorder.
FND Action – Man Cave Support Group UK – FND & NEAD
This Facebook group is an additional space for men diagnosed with a Functional Neurological Disorder and/or Non Epileptic Attack Disorder, and for men who care for someone diagnosed.
We also have a Facebook open page, which can be viewed publicly, where we regularly post relevant news and information. This can be found clicking the link Functional Neurological Disorder/FND Action
Listed below are links to Facebook groups that we think you may find of interest also. If you have a group that you would like adding to the list then please let us know.
Disabled View UK is a non political group which has been set up for disabled people, carers and advocates. Its aim is to provide support to those being hit the hardest by the current welfare reform.
FND Dimensions- Meet Ups is run by the charity FND Dimensions who connect people diagnosed across the UK.
FND FrieNDs ( Closed Support Group) is run by the FND Friends who provide support in the South West region.
Functional Neurological Disorder is an international chat group which provides a platform for peer support across many countries.
Functional Movement Disorder is a UK chat group for movement disorder sufferers.
Vitamin B12 Wake Up is a group which provides support & information for those diagnosed with a B12 deficiency.
Young FND Fighters is a group which has been set up by young FND sufferers, to provide a support platform and be able to discuss relevant topics that arise from living with FND at a younger age
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5a New Road Avenue
Chatham, Kent