FND Action would like to invite people living in Medway do join our FND focus group, in conjunction with Medway Voluntary Action (MVA).
Through MVA’s Involving Medway programme, NHS Medway Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is engaging local communities to help shape local health services and build healthier communities.
The research topics will be varied, and planned to take place 3-4 times a year. Sometimes the topics chosen may not be relevant to people living with FND, but whenever they are we will be facilitating focus group sessions. These focus groups will give the FND community the opportunity to give their opinions on a wide range of health and care related issues that are likely to impact them.
Whilst this relates to specific issues within Medway, FND Action intends to share information that is in the public domain with CCG’s in other areas of the UK to help influence their own local decision making.
Once the FND Focus Group Medway is established, we may also use the group as a means of raising awareness of FND, both locally and nationally.
If you would like to hear more about the focus group and interested in getting involved, please complete your details below and we will be in touch shortly.
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c/o Medway Voluntary Action
5a New Road Avenue, Chatham
Kent ME4 6BB
Email: contact@fndaction.org.uk