Our Vision
To shine a light on Functional Neurological Disorders so that people diagnosed feel heard, supported and empowered.

Our Mission
Awareness: We aim to do everything we can to raise awareness of functional neurological symptoms both among the general public, healthcare professionals, and service providers/other charities. We already have a social media presence and will be working to develop this. We have lots of ideas and will keep you up to date with developments.

Peer support: We aim to develop our website as a key resource for information, support and signposting through regular updates. We will also continue to provide online support groups for those diagnosed with functional neurological symptoms, their families and their carers. We recognise that having the chance to chat to other people diagnosed can have a positive impact on a condition that is still little known about. This also applies to families and carers.

Empowerment: We aim to encourage and help people to achieve a better quality of life and improved wellbeing. We believe that whilst there is no magic ‘cure’, there is a lot that can be done to help.

Relationships: We aim to continue to build on relationships with specialist health professionals, related charities and organisations. We understand that effective treatment of FND needs to have a holistic approach. We will also be encouraging participation in ongoing research as we believe this is crucial to the better understanding of FND.